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Wakeboarding all started with a concept of surfing.  One day, a surfer had an ideabig spin to surf the wake of a motorboat.   He got up and started surfing the wake and it was fun for a while, like a never ending wave.  Then it got boring because if you left the wake you stopped, so you couldn't do and tricks.  So the surfer held on to a tow rope, giving him more freedom to go across the wakes and not slow down.  Then the people who were doing this sport wanted to get some air and so some better tricks without the board falling off their feet. So they invented Skurfing.

          Skurfing is a short surfboard with straps to go over your feet and a little lighter then a surfboard.  This allowed the skurfers to get bigger air and do much better tricks without the board comming off their feet.  This was a huge breakthrough!!!  As the sport grew so did the technology.   The boards got redesigned to make them look better and ride better.  Then came the wakeboard.

          The wakeboard was the biggest break the sport got.  The wakeboard was like a snowboard on the water.  It was a board that could range from 125cm long to 165cm long depending on your size.  There were boots screwed on to the board for you feet that were extremely comfortable for your feet.  Then peolple started doing flips and big tricks as the ones seen in the pictures on my page under the riders.  So that is how wakeboarding came about.   Have fun with it and try it sometime if you haven't already.


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