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          This page is here to tell you some history of the sport of wakeboarding and toPower Slide show you some pictures of some of the best riders out there.  I hope you enjoy this site and learn something about it.  Wakeboarding is one of the greatest sports out there.  You can do so many tricks and even if you can't do any cool tricks you still have a lot of fun. 

          If you are wondering what type of board you should get I recommend if you are small getting a board about 132cm long, if you are average then get around a 137-140cm long and if you are a biggen then get 147cm.  My favorite board company is Double-up wakeboards.  They make some great boards that are awsome boards to ride.  The boots I recommend getting are the full wrap bindings.   I recommend Liquid

Force bindings because I have a pair of Pro Suctions and they are extremely comfortable. So no matter what setup you have for your wakeboard go out there and have fun!!!!!!!

          The wakeboarding season goes from around March through August.  A lot of guys snowboard in the off season for extra practice.  If you haven't done that yet, you need to try it but that is a whole different story so we will stick to wakeboarding.

Der 2XS Counter

December 17, 1999


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